We invite submissions for 30 minute talks, with additional time for discussion. Submissions should be:
- original formal work on the semantics of understudied language(s) of Africa, Asia, Australia, or Oceania;
- based on fieldwork or experimentation, and/or by native speaker linguists.
We particularly encourage work by graduate students.
Abstracts must be anonymous and in PDF format. Abstracts should include up to two pages of exposition including supporting examples. A third page may be used for additional glossed examples, figures, formulae, and references. Text should be in 12pt Times New Roman or similar, on A4 or US letter page size with 2.5cm or 1″ margins.
Abstracts deadline (extended): February 28 March 14, 2021, 23:59 anywhere in the world
Notification: mid April
Conference dates: in the week of June 21–27, 2021 (precise dates and schedule TBD)
Submission URL: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=triplea8
Please note that all participants at TripleA 8 will be asked to agree to and follow our Code of Conduct.